
Thursday 1 March 2012

Compatibility! (Pisces-Pisces)

Pisces with Pisces

With these two signs having the same virtues and vices they should get along well together, at least they will have understanding and sympathy for one another. Both have the same interests and the same love of home and possessions. The only possible drawback is a drifting too far from practical realities. At least both can be anchored to each other, so that they can put their shoulders to the wheel and face the responsibilities that reality demands. They have the refinement and delicacy that each desires in love, so all in all, this should be a good combination.

A double dose of intuition, dreams, emotion and fantasy. So where is the logic?. Who needs it? Could be too much alike to avoid confusion and disarray in the relationship. Maybe you could get an advisor to handle those nagging day to day matters that so often slip your minds.

This has the potential to work but both are so sensitive and psychic that they could come to wish they didn’t know how to read each others minds after all. Some relationships need a little mystery.

At first they will feel they have found love. They will share psychic experiences and secrets together. They both agree on sex, love and devotion to significant others. Pisces feel their emotions on a psychic level. This could be beneficial to the relationship or it could backfire. Emotions will dominate and when they don’t agree on sexual or emotional matters, self-destructive episodes will enter the picture. Outside interests can keep the relationship balanced but there is an element of deception with family members and close associates in this attraction. If they want to make it work, they should both be in the same profession or have very similar interests and be extremely understanding of one another.

Downplay the drama, deal with highs and lows, and realize that no relationship is perfect. The choice is up to both of you!

Compatibility! (Pisces-Aquarius)

Pisces with Aquarius

If Pisces will study the Aquarian horoscope, this may not be a bad combination. Here are tolerance and human sympathy coupled with the need for human understanding by the Pisces partner, who is willing to go all out to find that the elusive cup of human tolerance and dignity. He will be sure to find this in his Aquarian mate. If the Pisces will give the Aquarius the benefit of the doubt, the marriage will be a happy and lasting one.

This can be a very unconventional relationship. Both operate on a different wavelength than the other signs of the zodiac. Dreams are somehow reality for both these people and that's not to say that they are unaware of reality. It's just that neither carries their own anchor to bring them back down to earth, so unless someone helps to ground them occasionally we may never be sure exactly where they are.

These two are destined to be friends for life. Pisces will respect Aquarius outgoing nature. Pisces feels secure with Aquarius and these two will have more fun in the bedroom than they had anticipated.

Sex will be steamy and conversation will be never boring or lackluster. Aquarius respects Pisces approach to an unorthodox lifestyle. Pisces sees potential for friendship and a relationship with unconventional Aquarius. These two could conquer the world together. It is important that Aquarius respects creativity or Pisces will not hang around very long. Sex will be a major surprise for Aquarius. Pisces is an ideal lover and demands openness in love affairs. Aquarius must understand that this sexy sign will not be manipulated by anyone or anything. If Pisces senses outrageous behavior, he or she will only want to be friends. Aquarius will need to tone it down a notch or two.

Both will need to make minor adjustments but the effort will be well worth it. 

Compatibility! (Pisces-Capricorn)

Pisces with Capricorn

A sympathetic and understanding mate will Capricorn find in Pisces, and the steady going temperament of Capricorn is just what Pisces needs for a sense of confidence and security. Sexual needs and social goals are compatible and very similar. One of the things that Pisces will admire about Capricorn is his very practical ways. With Capricorn learning that Pisces' dependence grows more with the years, this will fulfill Capricorn's desire to be needed. This combination seems to work very well.

This is a good combination with complimentary values. They will find comfort in one another providing Capricorn displays his/her emotions at least once in awhile.

Capricorn is drawn to Pisces like a moth to a flame. There is something about outgoing Pisces that Capricorn secretly admires.

Pisces is attracted to Capricorn subtle but powerful sex appeal. There will be an instant friendship and sexual relationship that will never get boring. Sexy Pisces will take Capricorn by surprise and he or she may want to skip work for a change. Capricorn will learn what it’s like to date the homecoming king/queen with Pisces. Pisces will provide emotional support and security during the highs and the lows and Capricorn must have this in a relationship. Sex will only get better and the relationship may lead to marriage. Try it out for yourselves. If Capricorn plays mind games, Pisces will swim away.

Pisces needs sexual satisfaction from any partner in love. And that includes you, Capricorn! 

Compatibility! (Pisces-Sagittarius)

Pisces with Sagittarius

Sagittarius being free and easy will find Pisces too much of a heavy load to haul around. Though there is much here for an interesting and sincere relationship, Sagittarius may find that the marriage to Pisces is too confining. Pity would soon be the order of the day instead of love, and then there would be a struggle between conscience and duty. This combination should think very hard before saying "I do".

There will be a lot of confusion and wonder between these two. At times it will be good and at other times not good at all. Your natures are somewhat opposite to one another and the ability to understand the other's intent and actions will be evident.

These two will come together eventually for sex. The attraction is undeniable and the potential seems amazing at first. Pisces gets relief from blue moods with Sagittarius. Sagittarius gets a deep connection and may be very intrigued by the seductive ways of Pisces.

This is a challenging combination as Pisces is a water sign and Sagittarius is a fire sign. Pisces will live through their emotions while Sagittarius will skim only the surface. Sagittarius could find Pisces approach to life emotionally draining at times. Pisces could mistake Sagittarius for a loyal friend. Secrets and scandals are often a result when these two signs get together. There will be interference from friends, past loves and family members. Sex will always be good but love will be another story. Over time, the attraction could fade due to gossip, suspicion and secrets.

This relationship will leave Pisces seeking a deeper connection and Sagittarius seeking someone less serious.

Compatibility! (Pisces-Scorpio)

Pisces with Scorpio

This may be a love at first sight combination, however it seldom lasts a long period of time. Everything seems fine until Pisces gets tired of the little interests that seem to keep Scorpio occupied outside of the home. Positive qualities of Pisces are not appreciated by Scorpio, who feels that possessiveness is his own sacred domain. The latching on of Pisces has Scorpio’s sympathies, but respect is soon lost for the weaker member, and the relationship will soon deteriorate.

But, on the positive side there is an intuitive bond here that both will find agreeable. There is attraction and emotion and feelings and all that good stuff that you both like. Not too much though. Just be sure you can still see clearly and realistically once in awhile.

When these two connect for the first time, sparks will fly and both might feel they have met a soul mate. There will be a deep, unexplained mystical connection when they get to know one another and start dating.

Pisces represents Scorpios fifth house of love and sex. This could be love at first sight. Many relationships and marriages take place when these two fall in love. Both will remain loyal, committed and be highly understanding of each other. This could be the one you have been waiting for, Pisces! Pisces and Scorpio are very mesmerizing water signs and capable of captivating each other. Sexually they couldn’t have found a more compatible partner. The need to express love will be felt very strongly by both parties and sex will be exotic, erotic and intoxicating.

Memories of this attraction linger in both Scorpio and Pisces minds long after their romance is over. Don’t let a bad day ruin your chances for long-term love.

Compatibility! (Pisces-Libra)

Pisces with Libra

Here there is mutual attraction, but it seldom lasts long. This is especially true under intimate circumstances. Pisces will be content with Libra's exclusive company; But Libra’s love of social affairs may generate jealousy and disharmony in the intimate life.

Libra can get along will with mast people, but the Pisces is more discriminating, and this is the source of their disagreements. Nothing makes Libra more miserable then a sulky, complaining Pisces.
Theirs is a mutual appreciation for art and beauty and all that it entails between these two. A reasonably good combination.

You two will drink, dance and make music together. You both are talented, social and appreciate the good life. There will be fun, variety and attraction when these two are together. Libra will see a future and security with Pisces.

Pisces will see class and style and will want to show off Libra in public. This could be a lasting and memorable romance. There will be a strong family tie involved in the relationship at some point. If both are committed to being committed to one another, then aspects are very good for long-term love. Sex will very passionate and Pisces will want to make a love affair legal.

Avoid secrets and go for it. Children could be a surprise here! 

Compatibility! (Pisces-Virgo)

Pisces with Virgo

With these two signs there are some similarity and compatibility. They are both very exacting. This stops many areas of disagreement. They both take great pride in appearance and surroundings. They can find a friend in each other, when the outside world is to much to cope with. This Mercury-Sun combination should find mutual grounds for an agreeable partnership.

These are two earth signs who will find complimentary values in their sense of the practical and realistic needs of life. The relationship could suffer from lack of romance, as both tend to be a bit reserved in this area.

There is a saying that opposites attract and Virgo and Pisces are a perfect example of this phrase. When these two meet, there is instant curiosity and sexual attraction. Pisces will see Virgo as a dream lover and will make every effort to hold onto the sexy and smart Virgo.

Virgo will see social and sexual adventures in Pisces and will always leave Pisces wanting more. Sex will be a strong element that keeps the relationship exciting. Love will blossom over time to the point of possible marriage. As close as these two get, they never really get together. Pisces could get cold feet at the wrong time and Virgo could get insecure. Virgo may say the wrong thing and at the wrong time. Pisces will view this as manipulation and swim away to safer waters.

For this to work, both signs need to truly understand the definition of commitment. 

Compatibility! (Pisces-Leo)

Pisces with Leo

The strong and hearty temperament of Leo may be too much for the subtle and sensitive Pisces. Pisces, with resilience, takes on the changing moods of any partnership. Impressionable Pisces is easily hurt by any trivial or imagined wrong, and becomes very difficult to cope with, and dangerous to boot.

While Leo is flattered by the dependency of others, if he abused Pisces, the resentment of Pisces may be too much for Leo to take over a long period of time.

Fiery Leo and watery Pisces. This is the depiction of these two. Generally not expected to work but both have an ability to learn from one another if they can get past their innate differences.
Sparks will fly and there will be an instant attraction when Leo meets Pisces. Leo will play with fire and doesn’t mind getting burned. Pisces will see confidence and a night out on the town with Leo. Pisces will be drawn to Leo’s confidence.

Leo will be attracted to Pisces strong sexuality. Problems will arise when Pisces needs space. Leo is basically faithful and will not tolerate disloyalty. Pisces seeks a deeper connection and could find Leo to bossy for his or her taste. Pisces will also find Leo much more aggressive than they had bargained for. It may be best to call it a night before either gets involved here. Leo will roar when not treated like royalty and Pisces will shut down immediately and swim away when they sense manipulation or underhanded behavior.

Leo will eventually conclude that Pisces wasn’t the right person after all.

Compatibility! (Pisces-Cancer)

Pisces with Cancer

The sentimental combination of these two signs makes for an ideal marriage. Although both will have their moments of gloom and doom, they will soon come out in the sunshine and forgive and forget. Lover's quarrels are frequent, but the making up is bliss. Both cherish home, possessions, and friends and there will be mutual effort to fulfill all obligations.

Water and water, emotion and emotion, intuition and intuition. Sorry for being redundant but these two are so much alike in nature that you'd have some difficulty telling them apart. They are both romantic, need to love and be loved and can probably communicate to each other without speaking or making facial gestures. In fact they probably didn't even read this because they already knew they were meant to be together.

Sooner or later, these two are destined to meet and experience a love relationship at some point in their lives. How long it will last, however, will be another story. Both are sensual, intuitive, and artistic. Pisces tends to swim in deep emotional waters and Cancer loves the depth and creativity that Pisces brings to the relationship.

There is sexual chemistry and the potential for a serious long-term relationship. Cancer will find Pisces brings chemistry, stability and adventure to his or her life. Pisces loves the sexual chemistry, social contacts and stability that Cancer brings to the relationship. Cancer will be able to read Pisces mind and may tend to underestimate Pisces intuition. A huge mistake for Cancer! Problems could arise when dark moods hit. Both are so intuitive that they can literally read each other’s minds at times. This is where and when problems arise. For this relationship to work, they should give each other space and learn to not focus on the others weaknesses, as this could spell the end. Both will know whether the relationship is worth saving.

You either love each other or you don’t. Pisces will swim away if Cancer doesn’t behave.

Compatibility! (Pisces-Gemini)

Pisces with Gemini

The freedom of those Gemini’s out there is at stake if you marry a Piscean. They must be prepared to give up all outside interests and devote all of their time and thoughts to the Pisces mate. The sensitive and distrustful Piscean nature will, no doubt, prove too much for the liberty loving Gemini to cope with.

Gemini’s must be prepared to change their ways almost completely if they would seek happiness with a loving, possessive, and clinging Pisces.

Both of these people are usually "live and let live" types, but it's a stretch here. Gemini, always on the go, active, stirring the pot, mentally stimulated. Pisces, on the other hand, is intuitive, dreamy, sensitive and driven by emotional content.

Pisces will see adventure in Gemini. Gemini will play games with Pisces emotions and heart. Gemini is interested in keeping things on the light side. Pisces will be seeking depth and loyalty that Gemini considers smothering.

These two will be sexually attracted to each other but where it leads will be another story. These two share a strong sexual attraction. Sex could start a relationship or end it. Either way, sex will be a source of irritation at some point. Gemini will need to learn to trust Pisces and Pisces will need to be more tolerant of Gemini’s need for freedom and versatility. Pisces will exercise patience initially, but eventually will tire of the fast pace and seek a partner not so interested in popularity and fame. Gemini will always have outside interests to keep stimulated.

Pisces will need to keep Gemini on a long leash to be happy. Better skip this one or someone could walk away heartbroken.

Compatibility! (Pisces-Taurus)

Pisces with Taurus

This usually is a very happy combination. Sentimental Pisces will find great comfort in sympathetic Taurus. Neptune, who is the ruler of Pisces, is the higher octave of Venus, who in turn, rules Taurus. Pisces being romantic, imaginative, impressionable and flexible is just what the Taurus native is looking for.

These two can share a great deal of their appreciation for beauty, art, sensuality and just about any of the finer things in life. Pisces is easily clouded by emotion but can be brought to reality by Taurus' down to earth nature. Taurus can be helped to dream by the Piscean personality. Lots of good stuff, but keep a watch on the emotions.

Money will play an important role in this relationship. Taurus will take one look at Pisces and want to gamble away his or her life savings. There will be tons of sex appeal and Taurus will be madly “in love” with the image that comes with Pisces.

Pisces will find Taurus shares a taste for the good life and these two will bond instantly. They will love going out together and will travel far together. Food and music will play important roles in the relationship. Sex could be intense and may lead Pisces to finally commit. Taurus will introduce Pisces to new and interesting people. Pisces will keep Taurus feeling financially secure.

If both desire a lasting relationship, Taurus will need to be more independent and sexual while Pisces will need to spend some cash.

Compatibility! (Pisces-Aries)

Pisces with Aries

Having a sentimental nature the Pisces finds little comfort in the aggressive Arien. Pisceans are romantic and they desire the delicate approach that the Arien lacks. Neptune, the planet of the higher mind, gives Pisces an ethereal quality. Unless the Arien mate is willing to take a trip to the clouds now and then, the partnership will prove incompatible.

Pisces will inadvertently put out the fire of Aries. There is not much that is compatible about these two, unless one can appreciate the diversity of human beings.

Pisces are sensitive, theatrical and sensual. Aries sees fun and fantasy in Pisces. There is chemistry and sexual attraction that may initially start out as friends, but could progress to romance over time as long as both are single.

These two will entertain and share a powerful effect on the public together. Aries initiative combined with Pisces talent is the perfect component for public applause. Aries may get irritated with Pisces go with the flow approach to money and love. Aries needs immediate gratification in sexual matters while Pisces will wait patiently for the right person. Aries could get bogged down in heavy emotions and may want to flee via the nearest exit. Arguments relating to home, family and money will arise over time. For this to work both should have outside interests and not spend too much quality time together.

It’s best to remain a mystery, Pisces. That way, Aries will keep coming back to figure you out. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Pisces)

Aquarius with Pisces

If Pisces will study the Aquarian horoscope, this may not be a bad combination. Here are tolerance and human sympathy coupled with the need for human understanding by the Pisces partner, who is willing to go all out to find that the elusive cup of human tolerance and dignity. He will be sure to find this in his Aquarian mate. If the Pisces will give the Aquarius the benefit of the doubt, the marriage will be a happy and lasting one.

This can be a very unconventional relationship. Both operate on a different wavelength than the other signs of the zodiac. Dreams are somehow reality for both these people and that's not to say that they are unaware of reality. It's just that neither carries their own anchor to bring them back down to earth, so unless someone helps to ground them occasionally we may never be sure exactly where they are.

These two are destined to be friends for life. Pisces will respect Aquarius outgoing nature. Pisces feels secure with Aquarius and these two will have more fun in the bedroom than they imagined. Sex will be romantic and conversation will be never ending.

Pisces respects Aquarius commitment to an unorthodox lifestyle. Pisces sees potential for a friendship and a relationship with unconventional Aquarius. These two could conquer the world when together. It is important that Aquarius respects creativity or Pisces will not hang around very long. Pisces will need to be less stubborn or they will get nowhere together.

Sex will be a surprise for Aquarius. Pisces will not be controlled or manipulated by anyone or anything. If Pisces senses outrageous behavior, he or she will only want to be friends. Aquarius will need to tone it down a notch or two to keep sexy Pisces around. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Aquarius)

Aquarius with Aquarius

Here Aquarius finally finds just the right mate in the other Aquarian. No where on the planet is any combination more compatible then the Aquarian pair. They have understanding in each other that baffles and is maddening to others. This type of couple one meets in the out of the way places of the world doing research together. Many of the early missionaries were Aquarian couples or those who had strong Aquarius aspects in their horoscopes. Here is the perfect combination of the Aquarian age.

Put two people together who thrive on the unpredictable, the new and the unique and you have two people who understand each other. But even Aquarius can be startled and thrown off by surprising and unexpected developments.

These two will click or despise one another from the get go. They are very similar and are considered the revolutionaries of the zodiac. Both will be innovative, independent and desire sexual stimulation at all times. Here is where problems can arise.

If the attraction is powerful enough to sustain heated disagreements, then both should go for it. Challenge on a mental and sexual note will never fade no matter what they would like to believe. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Capricorn)

Aquarius with Capricorn

This is a very hard combination to analyze. The sure footed Capricorn may prove to be too much for the nimble water bearer Aquarius, who aims to make the world a better place to live in. Capricorn wants all effort and anything else Aquarius has to give- to be centered at home for their mutual good. Capricorn does not like the interest that Aquarius shows to other people.

Aquarius doe not like confinement or restriction at all, and may fly the coop to go out into the world to find something more suitable. A very doubtful combination.

There is a huge difference in values and personality here. The organized Capricorn and the never organized Aquarius. Too many other differences as well and unless you have other compatible aspects in your birth charts, don't expect a long lasting affair.

These next-door neighbors in the zodiac can be lifelong friends and there is potential for laughter, romance and strong friendship. Don’t be surprised if Aquarius wants to steal you away for some privacy, Capricorn. Aquarius finds the goat super sexy and they will share many laughs and a strong friendship will result.

Aquarius could find Capricorn a little too serious and Capricorn may conclude that Aquarius is a little too free spirited. The goat is always looking for quality in romance and Aquarius will be lacking in that department.

The relationship is best for a short- term romance and friendship will most likely be the end result. You will learn valuable lessons from one another. You will also share secrets together. Try it out and see what develops if the attraction is that powerful. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Sagittarius)

Aquarius with Sagittarius

The combination usually has a great chance for success. Both temperaments are very much alike. This is a purely social combination that will revel in a large group of friends and public-spirited associates. Sagittarius readily understands the moods and peculiarities of the Aquarius, and will make the necessary allowances; the Sagittarian appreciates and expects the same from the Aquarius. Both love change, travel, and excitement, so this should work out very well.

There is a very good chance for a successful relationship. Many of your values are alike and your need to be outgoing and sociable is inherent in both of you. You both understand the need to let the other be when they need their freedom.

This can be a very challenging and exciting relationship. Sagittarius and Aquarius are an interesting combination of talent, friendship and sexuality. There will never be dull moments with these two and together they could experience their most memorable moments of life with their friends and family at their side.

Social groups, entertainment and sporting events will keep the relationship stimulating. Both need independence and share similar creative abilities. Sagittarius and Aquarius will share an interesting love affair and sex life. Over time, one of them may fall in love quickly and suddenly want to make it legal. Keep it light and loyal Sagittarius, and see what develops.

Aquarius needs to give Sagittarius credit for effort and laughter. The sooner they get a room, the better off they will be. Aquarius will not tolerate disloyalty from Sagittarius. Sagittarius will need to be less flirtatious or problems will arise. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Scorpio)

Aquarius with Scorpio

This combination usually ends up getting into unpleasant terms after a little time. Unpredictable Aquarius is too much for the solid Scorpio temperament. Aquarius has many of outside interests and this does not sit well with Scorpio. Aquarius is too reserved for the passionate Scorpio. Humanitarian instincts are what Scorpio admires in an Aquarian, but Scorpio has no interest in sharing them with the world.

Scorpio wants to possess the person and Aquarius want to own the world. Without some extremely mature attitude adjustment it will be difficult to rectify the inherent differences in each other's nature.

This can be a very exciting encounter that combines the element of surprise with a friendship that could turn sexual fast. There will never be dull moments with you two and together you may have your most memorable moments with your friends and in private. Social groups and party environments will keep the relationship stimulating and highly erotic.

Aquarius will keep Scorpio sexually intrigued and under emotional control. Both signs desire independence, great sex and will share creative talents. Scorpio and Aquarius will have an interesting love affair and sex life. Over time, one of you may fall in love quickly. Remember that both Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs, so stubbornness could pose a problem. Scorpio will need to keep things light at all times without being possessive.

Aquarius needs to give Scorpio credit for effort and laughter. Scorpio is not as shy as Aquarius wants to believe. For this to work, plan trips and travel together to build a connection based on trust. Aquarius will need to tone down their party lifestyle to keep Scorpio interested. It will be a challenge! 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Libra)

Aquarius with Libra

This could be a good combination for marriage. Aquarians have perfect affinities for Librans. They both love beauty, society, and people, this helps to make this an ideal union. Possibility one of the few problems may be a misunderstanding because a Aquarius mate is unpredictable at times, and for no reason at all, may seek seclusion and refuse to communicate. In that event, the best thing to do would be to let them enjoy their solitude. They will soon revert to their lovable self, and all will be well if Libra doesn't insist on explanations.

Both of these signs are naturally friendly people, while Libra is best at the one on one relationship, Aquarius wants to love the world as well. There may not be monumental disagreements between these two but Libra will need to understand the Aquarian unpredictability.

Libra will find the love they have been looking for with Aquarius. Aquarius will see adventure, excitement and relief from boredom with beautiful and charming Libra.

Together, these two can build a sexual relationship that will get hotter over time. There will be instant attraction that escalates quickly to an undying attraction when these two meet and hook up for the first time.

Libra will conclude that Aquarius is the only one for them and vice versa. The sooner these two get a room, the better off everyone will be. Go for it, Libra! Aquarius should tone down independence occasionally for best results. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Virgo)

Aquarius with Virgo

Aquarius may hold too many surprises for the conservative Virgo to cope with. This is an elaborate combination to analyze. A lot depends on the cultural and educational levels of the partners. If there is a marked difference between the two, the chances for a happy and enduring marriage are almost zilch. But if both happen to be collage sweethearts or if they do the same sort of work, chances for a happy marriage are greatly increased. There is no happy medium with this combination; it is either very good or very bad.

There can be an intellectual togetherness here but that is about where it ends. Almost everything else about the relationship will be puzzling especially to Virgo. Don't expect any deep emotional scenes.

This can be a very challenging and exciting encounter with both the element of surprise, and friendship turning sexual fast. Virgo and Aquarius are an interesting combination of passion, friendship and sexuality. There will never be dull moments with you two and together you may have your most memorable moments with all of your friends at your side.

Social activities will keep the relationship stimulating and highly erotic. Virgo is a sign that will keep Aquarius grounded. Both desire sex, friendship and share creative abilities. Virgo and Aquarius will share an interesting love affair and sex life. Over time, one of you may fall in love quickly and suddenly.

Virgo is not as shy as Aquarius would like to believe. When Aquarius becomes silent, Virgo will feel the need to escape. For this to work: plan trips and travel together. Build a connection based on substance and you could create memories of a lifetime together. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Leo)

Aquarius with Leo

This pair of the sun and Uranus is usually a good one. Leo likes surprise and Aquarius will be happy to supply it. Both signs are better when doing things for others. Leo loves the world and Aquarius loves humanity. This makes for an excellent combination for a partnership that deals with or caters to the public. Each have a mutual understanding of the other when it comes to intimate matters, needs and desires. There is never a dull moment in their lives as Aquarius holds many surprises for Leo.

While these two will be attracted to one another, they are zodiac opposite which means that it can be as bad as it is good and usually is.

This can be a very challenging and exciting relationship. Leo and Aquarius are an interesting combination of passion, friendship and sexuality. There will never be dull moments with these two. Social groups and events will keep the relationship stimulating. Both need independence and share similar creative abilities.

Leo and Aquarius will share an interesting love affair and sex life. Over time, one of them could fall in love quickly. Aquarius needs to give Leo applause for effort and laughter. Aquarius could bring spirituality to Leo’s life. A big bonus for Leo! These two should get a room. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Cancer)

Aquarius with Cancer

The social side of the Aquarian may prove to be too much for the home bodied Cancer. Aquarian's love to share their life stories with the world while cancer is satisfied to concentrate on personal obligations. Cancer has a conservative taste; Aquarius taste is usually the opposite. The eccentricity of Uranus does not go well with the moods of Luna. Odds against this combination are too great for this combination, unless one will become subservient to the other.

Aquarius has a need to be independent and often appears detached in a close relationship and will appear more so to cancer. Don't get me wrong, Aquarians need to loved too, they just exhibit more of a universal love than personal and when push comes to shove they'll take the world anytime.( Of course which world that is , no-one knows for sure.)

Cancer is always seeking success and security in love. Aquarius is forever seeking status and friendship so it’s easy to understand why these two attract each other. If Cancer and Aquarius have the same goals and aspirations, the prognosis is very good for sex, love and possible marriage.

Aquarius finds an audience in Cancer and feels very secure with both the friendship and passionate nature of Aquarius. Unexplainable things happen when Cancer (Moon) is hanging out with Aquarius (Uranus) planet of surprise. This combination is exciting and should be given a chance. If these two are seeking the unusual, unexplainable or surprises at every turn, then look no further.

For this to work Cancer will need to love and let freedom reign while Aquarius will have to be more attentive to the sensitive feelings of Cancer. Cancer will need to understand that Aquarius lives for parties and Aquarius must understand that Cancer needs one-on-one time to feel secure. If these two can get past personality clashes, the relationship has a chance of making it. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Gemini)

Aquarius with Gemini

The caring, humanitarian thoughts of Aquarius will find a willing home with Gemini. Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is full of surprises and sudden changes. This will suit the Gemini perfectly. There will be plenty of none stop variety to afford the stimulation that Gemini needs for its dual personality.

Gemini’s are always looking for surprises and the Aquarian can readily supply them. A warning bell here though... When the Aquarian mate wants to be alone, Gemini should not be offended. This is only a passing condition and will soon disappear. At times the Aquarian most have time alone. (No offense Gemini!)

When these two air signs hook up, there will be sexual attraction and an endless curiosity about the other. Both signs will want to hit the party circuit and mingle together. Gemini is very attracted to outgoing and independent Aquarius.

Aquarius sees sex and a relationship with this easy carefree sign known as Gemini. Together, they can build a sexual relationship that could make it to the altar. On the flipside, however, Aquarius could get cold feet and may feel trapped by Gemini.

Gemini could become impatient with Aquarius and finally walk away mad. They key to making this relationship work is to know when to walk away. Do not play games with each other and that goes double for Aquarius. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Taurus)

Aquarius with Taurus

This combination heads in for many difficulties. The Aquarian being unpredictable may prove too much for the easy going Taurus nature. The conservative habits of the Taurean will soon get on the nerves of the dynamic Aquarius and the tempers will start to fly. Both love ease and comfort but their views on how to obtain them are very different. Another big irritation for the Taurus lover is the unwillingness of the Aquarius to share his secrets.

These two live on opposite sides of the planet, in fact some times, Taurus will wonder if Aquarius is even from this planet. The usually staid Taurus will have difficulty understanding the Aquarian unpredictability. Aquarius will find the Taurus attention somewhat smothering and restrictive.

Taurus sees an adventure in Aquarius. These two signs will party, play and be very good friends. There is much to be learned from one another. They will have similar ideas and share common goals. Aquarius will be instantly attracted to sensual Taurus. Taurus will stick with Aquarius in sickness and in health. Aquarius will feel at home with Taurus.

Taurus will find Aquarius independence very attractive. This is a highly rewarding combination that has both long and short term potential. Before they know it, they could fall madly in love. Taurus is serious and sensual. Aquarius considers Taurus a keeper and friendship will always be evident long after the attraction has ended.

They will learn more about themselves in this relationship. A long-term relationship could result in marriage and children. Taurus must show appreciation at all times and tone down dramatic episodes or Aquarius may flee. 

Compatibility! (Aquarius-Aries)

Aquarius with Aries

The unpredictable Aquarian may tax an Arien mate's patience while the instability of the Arien temperament will surely provoke the sign of good will and self-sacrifice. Such are the bones of contention that made this partnership a gamble. The planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is unpredictable in its actions; therefore, Aquarians have a tendency to procrastinate too much to please the Arien "up and at ' em" characteristics.

This could possibly be a good relationship, but will require a constructive attitude on both parts. Both signs are independent natures but at times Aquarius' will do things without notice with which Aries may become impatient.

This can be a very challenging and exciting relationship. Aries and Aquarius are an interesting combination of passion, friendship and sexuality. There will never be dull moments with these two are together and they will experience many memorable moments with their friends and family close by.

Social groups and events will keep the relationship stimulating. Both need independence and share similar creative abilities.

Aries and Aquarius will share an interesting love affair and sex life. Over time, one may fall in love quickly. Keep it light Aries, and see what develops. Aquarius needs to give Aries credit for effort and laughter. The sooner they get together, the better off all of us will be.