
Monday, 27 February 2012

Compatibility! (Aries-Leo)

Aries with Leo

This is usually a great combination; with both sides being emotional in their make up, Leo will lionize an Arien mate. This is particularly true if Aries will allow Leo to hold the center of the floor on occasions. Sharing the limelight is important on Leo's part however, as Aries will feel the need to be on stage once in a while as well.

In the lion's den the impetuous Aries lover will find a welcome home. Their sex life could be legendary and infidelity kept to a minimum, or eliminated all together. This is because they will probably find what they want from each other, and not have a physical compulsion to stray. Leo admires the aggressive tendencies of fiery contemporaries. This is exactly what Ariens are, making this an ideal union.

When these two powerful signs collide, there is no stopping them. Both are Fire signs and will love playing together. It is only a matter of time before these two magnetic signs attract and “get a room”.

This relationship can work but boundaries must be established early on and only if both want to make it last. Both are stubborn, reliable and loyal by nature so there is an element of lasting potential to be had. Problems arise when Aries is not stroking Leo’s tender ego.

Leo will need lots of praise and compliments. Aries will come to the conclusion sooner or later that Leo is the right person and vice versa. 

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