
Monday 28 January 2013

Weekly Predictions... Cancer (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

You’re especially outgoing on Monday if the stars have their say. At work or off-hours, you can take advantage of being an extrovert (and maybe a flirt!). Then, if you’ve been procrastinating vis-a-vis some kind of spring cleaning (actual, personal or financial), tackle the task at hand over the next few days. A friend can help you stay on track, and trading another favor makes it a gain for everyone. Starting sometime later on Thursday (and lasting through the weekend), agreements may be difficult to reach. Be ready to compromise, or just go your own way.

Career & Finance

Monday is perfect for dramatic announcements and surprise maneuvers — nobody sees them coming and you should be able to score quite a coup if you act boldly. Once that’s past, your analytical powers kick in midweek and you can easily sort through the ramifications of your actions and then plan for the future. A call from home may disrupt your day on Thursday or Friday, so try to stay on top of everything at work in case you need to take off for a bit. The weekend brings great energy, but you might be more skeptical of new plans than you usually are.

Love & Relationships

If you’re buying a gift for your sweetie or crush early this week — and if not, why not? — make sure you go for quality instead of cost savings. You don’t have to break the bank, but you should try to avoid looking cheap! Your big brain helps you sort through any mixed messages that are coming your way on Wednesday and Thursday. There may be a simple answer to your confusion, finally! Focus on the home over the weekend. That could mean just nesting with your mate, cleaning up for a big visit or even introducing them to the parents for the first time.

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