
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Weekly Predictions... Scorpio (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

You'll have plenty of time for getting proactive at work or in your personal life later -- be all eyes and ears as the week gets going. A seemingly insignificant fact or figure ends up looming large, and you should really be planning now, rather than acting. Starting sometime on Thursday, instead of going with your gut, get advice from a trusted friend -- someone whose decision-making style takes into account different factors than you usually consider. They'll love being asked, and you'll get a new point of view. Sunday kicks off a couple of very hot days for you. Get out there!

Career and Finance

You might reach a crisis point as the week begins -- one that could see you jump ship or decide on an entirely new career track! Once it's past, you start settling into your old or new life rather quickly and should be fully informed by the end of the day on Wednesday. Spread the word as much as you can, but expect a few key players to be extremely hard to reach at the end of the week. Keep trying! Your great energy this weekend ensures that you've got the strength to handle whatever comes your way.

Love and Romance

An odd, but intriguing, power dynamic is at work on Monday and Tuesday, and you should pay careful attention to who says what and when. It may be that you need to make it explicit in order to understand it fully, though that could get awkward! Things are much more clear midweek. You've got all the information you need (and maybe more) to get what's going on between you and your honey or wannabe, and your objectivity is finally working for you. Savor the brief moments of clarity, as things should start to get pretty nutty over the weekend. Don't try to hold on too tightly.

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