
Monday 14 January 2013

Weekly Predictions... Virgo (Jan 14 - Jan 20,'13)

Maybe there is a way to make 30-minute brownies in 20 minutes after all. You want to be the exception to the rule on Monday, or at least you want to prove that there is more than one way to do things. Tuesday and Wednesday, instruct by way of example rather than standing over everyone and making them feel weird. Thursday and Friday are tense, to say the least — combative is a better word for it — but the weekend offers nothing but pleasure: picnics, harmonious music, a fire crackling in the fireplace, comfortable reading chairs and the like.

Career & Finance
Monday you dazzle yourself when you figure out new ways to be critical without being … well, annoying. Others don’t even think of you as being critical. They think of you as being helpful. Well done! Tuesday and Wednesday, keep it up — and also put some energy toward organizing the details that others are letting go by the wayside. Again, you’re just being helpful. So no grumbling! (Are they sloppy? Perhaps. Is accusing them of being sloppy going to help matters? Of course not.) Thursday and Friday, everyone is high-strung and ready for the week to be over. The slightest mishap might set someone off.

Love & Relationships
Be ready for something a little different in the romantic realm at the week’s outset — if you can welcome it instead of getting worried, your faith in the universe will be rewarded. Those in relationships should be aware that their helpful instructions could come across as bossy around Wednesday or Thursday; ease up. Singletons who listen up now may find that someone surprising might have a sexy side. Speaking of sexy, witty repartee or even a debate is far more intriguing this weekend than moonily exchanging compliments. Heat things up by offering a provocative opinion.

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