
Tuesday 19 February 2013

Weekly Predictions... Libra (Feb 18 - Feb 24,'13)

The supercharged sun’s meeting with foggy Neptune in your responsibilities sector is followed by cerebral Mercury’s retrograde turn there this week. This planetary picture means completing tasks may take Herculean effort. Instead of laboring uphill, pause and look at how you do things. Examine your work methods, your conscious routines and your unconscious habits. Think about how you spend your time and ask yourself whether you’re pursuing your true calling. Are you serving a higher purpose than ego fulfilment and financial survival? If not, do you want to be? Have you made some form of spiritual practice a part of your day, and if not, would you like to? Lastly, with strict Saturn turning retrograde in your resources zone, if the money you earn through your work is not what you feel it should be, how can you revamp your career plan in the long run to bolster your finances and your confidence?

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