
Sunday 28 April 2013

Weekly Predictions... Taurus (29th April - 5th May, 2013)

Passion runs high as Venus and Mars energize your solar house while Mercury – ruling your solar 5th house – indicative of romantic luck joins the party on May 1st. Sun in your first house adds charm to your personality, and you might be forthcoming in expressing your innermost thoughts to others. Just like the previous week, opportunities that come your way now will be unambiguous and you won’t be in any doubt as to what to do when things happen. Follow your instincts and you won’t go wrong in career matters.

Financial luck is good during this period though expenditure can be quite high due to impulsive Mars’ conjunction with your 2nd house lord and solar sign lord. 29th and 30th of April are sensitive days. Rest of the week is good for you.

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