
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Weekly Predictions... Pisces (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Stay the heck out of your boss' way on Monday, and if you're asked for your opinion, you might want to give an edited version. But over the next few days, relationships of all sorts can flourish. Cultivate trust by being honest; build bonds by being your helpful self. If you've got criticism to dole out, be sure to throw in a compliment, too. If you've got something important to ask someone (maybe money's involved?), find the time after Thursday. A balance of give and take that works great for everyone is easy to attain now. On Sunday, though, guard your own best interests.

Career and Finance

You've got way too much stuff to deal with on Monday, so delegate or postpone as much as possible. You should be able to sort through the most important work quickly. Your analytical side comes out in force midweek, so big problems are better put off until then anyway. You may need to convince a few people you're right Later in the week, show your support for a co-worker who seems to be flailing -- you should earn a strong ally. You may experience some strong feelings related to work this weekend, but the odds are good that they should end up positive.

Love and Romance

No matter how tempted you may be to intervene early this week, mind your own business. Your partner, crush or date needs to deal with things on their own, and you've just got to accept that you can't solve everyone's problems! You may want to think about things in a more left-brain fashion on Wednesday and Thursday, as your analytical faculties are fully engaged and you may figure out a new trick that should be quite satisfying. Over the weekend, you see a way to help your dreamboat without taking over their life -- so go for it!

Weekly Predictions... Aquarius (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Make time to stop and truly consider an unusual person or occurrence on Monday. If you just rush through, you'll miss a symbol or a message. More pragmatic stuff should be given top priority over the next few days. It's important to meet deadlines, cover contingencies and build solid foundations, both at work and in your personal life. Boring, right? Not necessarily -- the satisfaction you find might surprise you. And if you want excitement, you're likely to get it after Thursday, especially if you take a chance on something or someone new.

Career and Finance

You've got plenty of creative energy to work with on Monday, so see if you can throw yourself at projects that can use that special touch. Watch out for group efforts in the middle of the week, as it's quite likely that at least one peer or supervisor has a hidden agenda that might affect the outcome for you. Thursday and Friday are great for meeting new customers or partners from far off or for applying diverse principles to your day-to-day activities. The weekend is a very good time to think about advancement and how to climb ever higher.

Love and Romance

Relationships are at the forefront early this week, so even if you've been single for a while, you are at least thinking about the long-term. It may be a good time for you to shake up your preconceptions and see what other possibilities await! On Wednesday and Thursday, expect to be somewhat at odds with anyone you're involved with, or even interested in. Everyone has different needs, and sometimes you just need to work them out separately. Your great energy over the weekend really helps you understand where your date is coming from.

Weekly Predictions... Capricorn (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Be ready to push back on Monday. It's not being stubborn to want more information or to stand up for what you believe is right. Working and playing well with others is much easier over the next few days, and getting stuff done in a team or in tandem is particularly fun! Bonus: It looks like you're the object of special admiration right now. Free your mind a bit starting sometime later on Thursday. Practical matters are all well and good, but your creative side responds to input in amazing ways at this juncture. By Sunday, you're a force to be reckoned with!

Career and Finance

You've got a hard choice to make as the week rolls in -- but you should stick with the safe bet. Someone else may seem more deserving, but you know what you've got to do. Tuesday and Wednesday are great for reaching out to potential customers or investors from far away. Leads should be much easier to come by. Start new projects later in the week, if possible, as that is the more fortuitous time for beginnings. Resources should come your way as if by magic. If something has been bothering you, this weekend is a great time to mull it over and come to a final decision.

Love and Romance

You may want to either postpone dates early in the week or find some way to ensure that one or the other of you pays for the whole thing -- splitting tabs can turn into a nightmare for even the most easygoing of people! Midweek is a great time for long-distance communication, so try online personals or just calling your sweetie at an odd time to catch them off-guard (and, presumably, pleasantly surprised). The weekend is great for starting off in new directions. Ask someone out, suggest moving in together or just start a conversation about what comes next.

Weekly Predictions... Sagittarius (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

New project? Special request? Heart's desire? Go for it on Monday, or be ready to wait. The advantage you've got as the week begins fades over the next few days, so respect the forces beyond your control now. If you're taking action, think carefully about the ripple effects. Beginning sometime later on Thursday, though, the effects you're having on others are noticeably positive ones. You can persuade just about anyone of just about anything now, so get others on your side! By Sunday, you're ready for a little solo downtime.

Career and Finance

You feel almost compelled to take on more risk than usual on Monday -- confirm your decisions with key players before committing their resources! You may have to go through all sorts of hoops midweek, because bureaucracy has reasserted itself into your life with a vengeance. Try to get through with a smile. On Thursday and Friday, you are thinking big and projecting long-term with great confidence and should be able to rely on support from your peers. Conversely, you drill down into the details this weekend and shouldn't have to rely on support.

Love and Romance

Take a big risk on Monday or Tuesday and ask out that super-hottie -- or tell your mate something you've been holding back forever. It might not go perfectly, but you should be pleasantly surprised (at the least) by the results. Your social life gets weird midweek, chiefly because you are far more irritable than usual! The right person should understand and, most likely, get out of the way. As the weekend develops, you should get a clearer sense of the big picture or long-term prospects of your love life.

Weekly Predictions... Scorpio (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

You'll have plenty of time for getting proactive at work or in your personal life later -- be all eyes and ears as the week gets going. A seemingly insignificant fact or figure ends up looming large, and you should really be planning now, rather than acting. Starting sometime on Thursday, instead of going with your gut, get advice from a trusted friend -- someone whose decision-making style takes into account different factors than you usually consider. They'll love being asked, and you'll get a new point of view. Sunday kicks off a couple of very hot days for you. Get out there!

Career and Finance

You might reach a crisis point as the week begins -- one that could see you jump ship or decide on an entirely new career track! Once it's past, you start settling into your old or new life rather quickly and should be fully informed by the end of the day on Wednesday. Spread the word as much as you can, but expect a few key players to be extremely hard to reach at the end of the week. Keep trying! Your great energy this weekend ensures that you've got the strength to handle whatever comes your way.

Love and Romance

An odd, but intriguing, power dynamic is at work on Monday and Tuesday, and you should pay careful attention to who says what and when. It may be that you need to make it explicit in order to understand it fully, though that could get awkward! Things are much more clear midweek. You've got all the information you need (and maybe more) to get what's going on between you and your honey or wannabe, and your objectivity is finally working for you. Savor the brief moments of clarity, as things should start to get pretty nutty over the weekend. Don't try to hold on too tightly.

Weekly Predictions... Libra (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Curiosity might have killed the cat, but on Monday it can get you places that are worth exploring. Follow any leads, and follow your nose. Clarity about goals -- at work, in your personal life, in health or spirituality -- keeps you from getting bogged down or wasting time over the next few days. Then, starting sometime later on Thursday and lasting through most of the weekend, you've got a magnetism that's unstoppable. Relationships can really evolve now, and any new ones get off to a big, beautiful start. A work issue needs at least a moment of your time on Sunday.

Career and Finance

You've got a lot of questions to answer on Monday, but you're ready for all of them. In fact, you might very well make a good impression on someone who comes to you expecting very little. The rest of the week is fairly slow, though your good energy does build itself up quite a bit. Expect little progress midweek. On Thursday and Friday you might want to focus on workplace beautification or making your products or services appear more appealing to new markets. Cash flow is hugely important over the weekend, but you almost certainly need to handle it in real time.

Love and Romance

Your ability to stand out -- and take charge -- should prove immensely valuable as the week begins. Even if you're just out on the street or otherwise minding your own business, you show what you're made of, and the right person comes close to swooning. Wednesday and Thursday are perfect for maintaining a holding pattern of sorts, without advancing or retreating on any front. Your energy starts to ramp up as the weekend begins, and you should find that your tastes are almost perfectly sated throughout.

Weekly Predictions... Virgo (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Instead of telling someone to get off your back on Monday, show why there's no need for them to micromanage you. Concrete results are hard to argue with -- and over the next few days, you should be assembling more and more of them. You're rock-solid now, and you're definitely looking good. (Is love one of your goals? If so, what you can do now puts Cupid to shame!) From sometime later on Thursday through the weekend, issues of longevity and meaning should be given priority. Fleeting, frivolous stuff is fine, but you've got more important issues to attend to.

Career and Finance

You might feel a bit out of sorts on Monday as you try to negotiate a messy or disorganized workplace. It might all have a good cause, but you need to fix it up. Fortunately, your energy this week is perfect for making your work space workable, so don't be shy about taking additional steps to shape it all up. Values are on the table on Thursday and Friday and you're taking the discussion quite seriously. At least one serious disagreement comes between you and consensus, but you can bridge it. Stay in touch with your peers over the weekend -- interesting news is coming.

Love and Romance

You may get tired out incredibly easily on Monday and Tuesday, so you may have to beg off a date or otherwise reserve some energy for later in the week. Everyone should understand, though. You swing right back into the groove midweek, and ought to be able to make a big difference when dealing with the little details of love. Send a thoughtful message, bring just the right wine to a dinner date or show your sweetie that you know them better than they realize. The weekend is great for intense conversations -- maybe you've got something big to discuss.

Weekly Predictions... Leo (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Go after what you want on Monday! You've got the kind of stellar glow that makes it very difficult for anyone to say no. Then finances are in your stars big-time over the next few days. Do you have a plan? And are you sticking to it? You've got to get practical, and there's no time like the present. Don't put it off -- you'll want your time free to attend to sweeter stuff starting sometime later on Thursday. Common ground is easy to find with others now, and mutual admiration abounds. All through the weekend, the care you give relationships shows in how they grow!

Career and Finance

Revel in the big news on Monday -- you deserve the praise you're getting and more! It's one of those days that reminds everyone why they keep you around. Midweek you may retreat into your office or under a pile of work so that you avoid the temptation to keep socializing at the expense of your responsibilities. You should remember to speak up frequently in meetings and drop lines to those you haven't heard from in a while late in the week, as all relationships require communication. Listen to your instincts this weekend and you can't go wrong.

Love and Romance

You begin the week on a tear -- your creative energy makes you unstoppable! It's easy for you to woo a new hottie or to make your long-term partner feel all tingly once again, just by showing them your capabilities. You need a breather on Wednesday and Thursday, and should definitely try to get some you-time on your own in one way or another. Even a long walk will do the trick, as long as you have no social obligations. The time alone may give you a few new ideas, and this weekend is the perfect time to bring them up. Talking is simply easier for everyone.

Monday 28 January 2013


Hello All,

Thank you for reading this blog. It is my pleasure to announce that soon I will be launching a complete website dedicated to Astrology. I hope to see you over there. The website is, as of now, in the process of development. The url for the website is:

Stay tuned for the rest of the Weekly Predictions! They'll be up soon!

Thanks for reading,
Vidya Niwas Mishra

Weekly Predictions... Cancer (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

You’re especially outgoing on Monday if the stars have their say. At work or off-hours, you can take advantage of being an extrovert (and maybe a flirt!). Then, if you’ve been procrastinating vis-a-vis some kind of spring cleaning (actual, personal or financial), tackle the task at hand over the next few days. A friend can help you stay on track, and trading another favor makes it a gain for everyone. Starting sometime later on Thursday (and lasting through the weekend), agreements may be difficult to reach. Be ready to compromise, or just go your own way.

Career & Finance

Monday is perfect for dramatic announcements and surprise maneuvers — nobody sees them coming and you should be able to score quite a coup if you act boldly. Once that’s past, your analytical powers kick in midweek and you can easily sort through the ramifications of your actions and then plan for the future. A call from home may disrupt your day on Thursday or Friday, so try to stay on top of everything at work in case you need to take off for a bit. The weekend brings great energy, but you might be more skeptical of new plans than you usually are.

Love & Relationships

If you’re buying a gift for your sweetie or crush early this week — and if not, why not? — make sure you go for quality instead of cost savings. You don’t have to break the bank, but you should try to avoid looking cheap! Your big brain helps you sort through any mixed messages that are coming your way on Wednesday and Thursday. There may be a simple answer to your confusion, finally! Focus on the home over the weekend. That could mean just nesting with your mate, cleaning up for a big visit or even introducing them to the parents for the first time.

Weekly Predictions... Gemini (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Someone who’s on the same page as you is great on Monday, but somebody who can challenge your thinking and change your perspective is even better. Over the next few days, you’d better have a plan and stick to it as much as you’re able. Make a list, and update it as your priorities shift and you cross things off. (And don’t lose it!) Your love life is favored by the stars starting sometime later on Thursday. The romantic undertones aren’t so subtle! It’s hot stuff, as is an understanding you can gain or realization you can come to on Sunday.

Career & Finance

Keep your workload as light as possible as the week begins — you’ve got great social energy and should try to just work on your collegial relationships. Accounts become much more important on Tuesday and Wednesday, even if they’re pretty far removed from your own work. You may have to hunt down an invoice that got lost in the system. Later in the week is better suited to taking direct action. You should try to pounce immediately to take advantage of your amazing personal energy. You may resent instructions that come down from on high this weekend.

Love & Relationships

Your sassy side is on display as the week begins, and you might start debates just to see how your sweetie or date responds. It’s a good time to watch their mind work and think about what that means to you. Life’s little details trip you up on Wednesday and Thursday, so much so that you might forget an appointment or at least find yourself a bit too late for one. You can make up for it, but it might cost you! Fortunately, the weekend brings a gust of fresh energy your way, and you can come up with the perfect plan on the spur of the moment.

Weekly Predictions... Taurus (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Hear them out on Monday. Even if you think you know where they’re going (and you’re not interested in taking that trip), showing respect is important. You’ve got a way with people over the next few days — is that love in the air? You’re definitely attractive now, and expressing your emotions should come exceptionally easily. (So you should do it!) Beginning sometime later on Thursday, you’re unusually prone to extremes. Seek out a stabilizing influence — or if you go for broke, be ready to face any and all consequences.

Career & Finance

Open up to new ideas on Monday, especially coming from folks who you might ordinarily dismiss as uninformed. Interns, new clients and friends all have great ideas. Your good energy lends itself to team building in the middle of the week and you should be sure to lavish praise on those who deserve it. Expect warm fuzzies to enhance work rather than get in the way as the week slowly draws to a close. You may find yourself a bit torn this weekend and should at least consider the advantages of alternative configurations or new employers.

Love & Relationships
You’re all fired up and super-cute early in the week, and should be able to get people going with your righteous energy. It’s a good time for you to try to connect with someone through a cause or idea. On Wednesday and Thursday, your creative and artistic sensibilities are quite strong, and you should have a great time just strolling through a museum or gallery with someone sweet on your arm. If you can collaborate on something, that would be ideal! Your easygoing social energy makes the weekend a great time to get to know people better.

Weekly Predictions... Aries (Jan 28 - Feb 3,'13)

Find something to do with that excess energy on Monday! You’re all wound up in a good way, but over the next few days you might feel bogged down, physically and mentally. Make an effort to handle things as they arise, rather than procrastinating; you’ll feel better about your current state of affairs and thank yourself later. And you’ll get your groove back, if the stars have their say, starting sometime later on Thursday. That mind of yours is especially fruitful, particularly when it comes to an interpersonal situation. Act now, because Sunday’s best for rest.

Career & Finance

You almost can’t help but take direct action on Monday — get your resources together and do whatever feels right in your gut! Details get seriously annoying midweek and you might have to take far more time than you would like wrangling them into some kind of decent shape. The end of the week is great for starting new projects or launching new initiatives, even if they meet with resistance from the troops. Push them through! You might have too many work-related thoughts floating through your mind this weekend to be able to really relax.

Love & Relationships
Your positive energy is so strong on Monday and Tuesday that you might almost decide to startsomething totally new. Your childlike optimism means that anything seems possible to you, and you ought to be able to convince the right person to go along with it. You may be overwhelmed with details midweek, and certainly can’t deal with them all at once — you should try to respond to one thing at a time until your mate or date gets the hint and slows down. Start something new this weekend. If not a new romance, you may want to try working on something with your sweetie.

Monday 21 January 2013

Weekly Predictions... Pisces (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

You have just the right words on your tongue on Monday, so it’s a great time to meet the parents, go in for an interview or just shoot the breeze with your friends. Expect disappointment — or at least surprise — in the middle of the week as clarity dissolves into something a bit more muddled. You need to put on a show later in the week, and while that might not be totally comfortable, you should find that you’re quite good at it! Your weekend is far too busy or contains far too may errands and chores for you to handle, but it’s over quickly.

Career & Finance

Brainstorming and blue-sky meetings are much more your speed than plugging away at mundane tasks early this week. Free up some time to find a brilliant, creative solution to a lingering issue. From Wednesday through Friday, you’re a great performer and the world of work is your stage; entertaining clients or networking is a breeze. Schedule your work-related social engagements accordingly. This weekend, minding your own business is a far better idea than getting drawn into office politics. Politely disengage from any gossip that finds its way to you.

Love & Relationships

Please your creative side with some poetry, art, delicious food or music at the beginning of the week, whether you’re creating it or avidly appreciating it. Oh, and find someone to share it with — the stars say it shouldn’t be hard now. Romantic matters could be changing rapidly from Wednesday through Friday, and while it may be a bit bewildering, these periods of flux are necessary for progress. Starting Friday night and through the weekend, love looks lovely for you. Singletons should be able to strike up something new, while couples find themselves freshly appreciated by their mates.

Weekly Predictions... Aquarius (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

Your uniqueness may catch up with you somewhat as the week begins, but it’s not such a bad thing to remind others you’re your own person. In fact, on Tuesday and Wednesday, people are more in tune with your own way of communicating, so you should find it easier to get your message out in the world. Focus on your domestic situation later in the week — this could mean your relationship or that leaky sink, but get right on it! Over the weekend, unexpected changes come at a terrific pace. You like change, but this is exhausting!

Career & Finance

A totally outside-the-box approach to communicating comes to you in a flash early in the week, and it’s exactly the kind of thing that makes you uniquely valuable in the workplace. Knock ‘em dead! After Wednesday, something in the work world may suddenly have a personal element that’s none too comfortable for you. Focus on it, rather than hoping it will go away; a direct approach is best. By the weekend, you’re tapping into your creative side, and a discovery that’ll boost your performance is just a daydream away.

Love & Relationships

At the week’s outset, watch for a funny coincidence or something (or someone) you stumble across seemingly by chance. The universe is sending fresh material for your heart in some peculiar forms, so welcome the new. From Wednesday through Friday, it’s sending some hotter stuff, including the possibility for some serious romantic sizzle. How to find it? Throw caution to the wind and be your unique self — no looking for love in traditional places for you. This weekend, some unusual emotions may overtake you. Try activities like therapeutic housecleaning, running or dancing to work them out.

Weekly Predictions... Capricorn (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

Your social energy gets pretty strange this week, so you may want to wrap up obligations early, if possible. Monday is a great time to let your feelings be known fairly widely. Keep it short and sweet midweek, as you’re competing with far too many voices to be heard for more than a moment at a time. Restlessness keeps you on the move on Thursday and Friday, though you may not feel quite at home anywhere you end up — wait it out, though! The weekend is a good time to focus on your personal needs and cloister yourself for a bit.

Career & Finance

Those around you are inclined to chitchat at the beginning of the week, but you have a clear view of what needs to be done. So you cut to the chase — water cooler gossip can wait for another time. Watch for some extremes in energy after Wednesday; one minute you’re raring to go, and the next, you feel drained. Stay hydrated, eat healthy snacks and try a brief, brisk walk to rev up before an important meeting. If you’re working this weekend, you can expect a bit of a turf battle or a struggle over resources. Stand your ground, as usual.

Love & Relationships

Monday and Tuesday are ideal days to set your reservations aside and let your feelings be known. Whether you’re in a relationship or looking around, getting your values or hopes or fears out in the open makes room for some forward motion. After Wednesday, a romantic situation calls for some clarification: Distill it to its essence in your mind, disregarding what others might have to say. Your intellect and heart know best. Drama could erupt on the social front this weekend, and maybe it’s time to kiss the status quo goodbye. Change is good.

Weekly Predictions... Sagittarius (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

The week just expands and expands for you! Start out on Monday by focusing on tiny details like paint swatches or bill payment schemes, then move out into socializing midweek. You do need to take greater care then, as most folks are far more sensitive to slights and insults than usual, but you should manage just fine. Dive deeply into your love life or some other all-encompassing aspect of your existence: You can make great progress if you keep pushing. The weekend’s energy is nearly perfect and offers an abundance of options for you.

Career & Finance

At the beginning of the week, someone in your work environment is talking the talk, but action just isn’t forthcoming. Stay busy with tasks that have outcomes you can control, rather than getting frustrated or behind schedule. After Wednesday, you’ll get an opportunity to involve yourself more deeply in a project and leave your mark on it. Bonus: You’ll also build on a mutually beneficial relationship. You’ll make gains this weekend in the world of work — gains that will be matched by personal growth. So apply yourself to what matters most.

Love & Relationships

Communicate about the little things at the beginning of the week — what specifically you like so much about someone, or the details of dates, or funny little stories — and watch the big things magically take care of themselves. After Wednesday, though, you could get tired of someone else’s talk — maybe their actions aren’t backing it up or you’d like to hear something on a deeper level. Don’t let it go if it’s bothering you. The weekend is an excellent time for asking some questions — especially in relationships — and discussing differing ideals. Real progress is absolutely possible.

Weekly Predictions... Scorpio (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

Something finishes up on Monday that is completely your call — you get to decide what happens and how, but you need to be conscious of your every move. The middle of the week is consumed with financial arrangements, and you may have to handle your friends’ or colleagues’ money for a while before it all ends. Your energy is quite productive on Thursday and Friday, so that’s the best time for you to start new projects or dive into work that requires a lot of effort. Over the weekend, you may feel more stressed than you really ought.

Career & Finance

A little voice is telling you to proceed with caution at the beginning of the week. Listen to it, because your insight is one of your best business tools. Investigate backgrounds, read the fine print and avoid endeavors carrying more than minimal risk. By Wednesday, the stars give a green light to your goals and ambitions, and getting what you want is as easy as asserting yourself. Your ability to make others see what’s in it for them doesn’t hurt, either. This weekend, your boss or another higher-up could make waves, but you’ll ride them out with style and grace.

Love & Relationships

Intensity’s in the stars at the week’s outset — those in relationships may experience some turbulence (the kind that makes making up really fun), while singletons could find impatience getting them into some complicated spots. At least love’s not boring now! Midweek’s a good time to settle down — and to look before any romantic leaps. Luck’s on your side this weekend, or maybe it just looks like luck, but is actually a combination of your good instincts in love and your willingness to fearlessly go after what you want.

Weekly Predictions... Libra (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

Let go of the small stuff as the week begins — otherwise it’s just going to bog you down later! You should find it quite easy to communicate your deepest feelings and ideas on Tuesday and Wednesday, and others are far more receptive than usual. The later part of the week is best for finishing stuff up and trying to maintain a balance between your various projects and obligations. Creative energy dominates the weekend, so start a new project or try your hand at art, especially something totally new to you.

Career & Finance

Volunteer for a new task at the beginning of the week, even if you have to change your schedule to fit it in. You’ll earn kudos for taking it on, and the fresh challenge is just what your intellect needs. Sometime after Wednesday, a crisis may interrupt your usual routine, so be ready to do some damage control. Now’s when you want to stick with current projects and put off launching other initiatives. By the weekend, you’re back on track workwise, and someone may call on you to consult on an important issue. Your big-picture approach is just the insight they need.

Love & Relationships

Set your emotions aside at the beginning of the week and take a close look at your attachments. You can — and should — renegotiate pieces of a relationship now that aren’t working for you (and that should be remarkably easy). From Wednesday through Friday, you’ve got the gift of gab and then some. You can stun just about anyone with your brainpower, but you can also reach a new, deeper understanding with somebody special. Don’t be afraid to let those feelings out. For best romantic results this weekend, set your own agenda aside and sweetly, selflessly lend someone else a hand.

Weekly Predictions... Virgo (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

Try something new when you go out on Monday — your good personal energy makes exploration fun, rather than challenging! The middle part of the week makes communication somewhat more difficult than usual, though everyone seems to be willing to try. Expect at least one crucial misunderstanding. Your social energy makes you the center of attention for at least part of the end of the week, and you should enjoy it immensely. The weekend is perfect for organizational and cleaning projects of all kinds.

Career & Finance

You’ve got logical matters down cold as the week begins, but your communication skills could use a little honing. The best way to make sure your message is getting across is to ask to have it repeated back to you. After midday Wednesday, think teamwork. Rather than you carrying the weight for the less organized in the group, you should all find a way to complement one another’s skill sets and make great progress. This weekend, keep your plans and your attitude flexible when it comes to working. Pitching in at the last minute may be a pain, but it’ll net you unanticipated rewards.

Love & Relationships

Get together with a compatible soul — your mate, a potential one or a friend — at the beginning of the week, and your conversation can take you into very interesting new territory. Your ability to express yourself now is pretty spectacular, so take advantage of it prior to Wednesday and Thursday, when the potential for being misunderstood increases. Watch your romantic communication on these days in order to avoid unnecessary drama. Friends, parties and high-energy socializing are in the cards this weekend, and for you that undoubtedly involves fun, flattery and flirtation.

Weekly Predictions... Leo (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

Things seem very weird as the week begins — you aren’t entirely certain what you’re hearing from your sweetie or match. Things should clear up soon. Your social energy is fired up on Tuesday and Wednesday, and it’s easier than ever to meet new people and impress them — or to integrate different parts of your life. Watch out for ego later in the week, because that’s the only thing coming between you and perfect bliss. Fortunately, your amazing personal energy shines brightly this weekend, so all is forgiven (if it needs to be).

Career & Finance

Broaden your horizons at the beginning of the week — attend a lecture or seminar, whether it’s in your field or just peripherally related. You have intensified intellectual abilities right now, which means you could come away with an innovation that is very relevant to work. From Wednesday through Friday, you’re even more of a people-person than usual, so it’s a good time to interface with clients or collaborate with coworkers. You may even get some sort of bonus out of it. Any work you do this weekend will yield results beyond expectations and inspire others — including higher-ups.

Love & Relationships

Sure, it’s hard to be humble when you really are just getting better every day, but make an effort at the beginning of the week. Try asking lots of questions, whether you’ve got a sweetie or are interviewing potential candidates, and dish out a (sincere) compliment or two. Your usually decisive self may go missing on Wednesday or Thursday, but consulting friends on a romantic matter leads to some very interesting brainstorming. By the weekend, you’re poised to do the right thing — and your love karma is already increasing by leaps and bounds. Watch for more immediate benefits, too.

Weekly Predictions... Cancer (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

This is your week to be active and in charge! Get things started on Monday with a quick call — whatever you want to do should set the agenda. Go a little wild in the middle of the week, taking days off of work or finding new and nutty activities to keep people buzzing for weeks. Your energy is just about perfectly aligned with the rest of the world on Thursday and Friday, so you can expect people to respond quite well to your needs, requests and demands. Live large this weekend, even if you’re afraid you can’t afford it. Things should work out well.

Career & Finance

The volume of work you have to deal with as the week starts could be a trifle overwhelming. As tempting as it may be to cut corners, you’ll be happier later if you enlist a coworker to help — or to double-check your numbers. On the other hand, from Wednesday through Friday, you’re at the top of your game, and you’re probably even taking a leadership role in a meeting or on a team. An assertive approach gets you where you want to be and also earns you respect. Your thoughts this weekend may turn to longer-term planning — just where is your career path taking you?

Love & Relationships

Family and home may demand attention at the beginning of the week, but don’t neglect romance — answer that email, return that call or let someone special know they’re still number one. You’ll want to get any important communication taken care of, including setting up dates and sending flirty text messages, before some confusion arrives on Wednesday or Thursday. You may also be just plain busy — but clear your schedule for some love, sweet love beginning sometime Friday and lasting through the weekend. Listen to your inner voice and go after your heart’s desire.

Weekly Predictions... Gemini (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

Monday brings out the best in you — or at least an unexpected strength! You should find it easier to impress the right person. Great energy starts to pour in midweek, so you can expect ten times as many great ideas. You should be able to meet the right person or show them what they need to see with your usual flair! Watch out for possessiveness on Thursday and Friday. You’re not usually the most jealous of people, but sometimes you can’t see the big picture and you can get grabby. The weekend brings everyone back in sync, so expect harmony and peace.

Career & Finance

You’re generating great ideas at the rate of a mile a minute as the week begins — all you need is a collaborator or team to help you keep track of them and start moving. The almighty dollar is in the stars after Wednesday, and you’d be wise to be more conservative than you usually are with budgets, expense accounts, purchase orders and the like. Double-check those numbers and figure out where the cash flow is landing. Your mind’s lit up like a pinball machine this weekend, and a non-work-related debate may give you a terrific concept to enact on Monday.

Love & Relationships

A secret seems alluring at the week’s outset, but there’s a strength in truth — up front and outright — that, while not as sexy, actually moves romantic matters forward. From Wednesday through Friday, more than enough is going on to occupy your quick wits and sometimes-fickle attention. The line between intellectual discussion and flirty banter is a deliciously fuzzy one now — a pleasure for both brain and heart. This weekend, your usual ‘whatever’ attitude may desert you as you dig in your heels about what you want — and maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

Weekly Predictions... Taurus (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

You begin the week feeling intensely practical — and that is exactly the right attitude for you! Do what needs to be done. Tuesday and Wednesday are tricky for you in serious parts of life, notably business and finance, so you may need to put off any fun activities or interludes until those matters are under control. The end of the week is perfect for asking out cute strangers or flirting with that one customer at work who seems interesting — if you’re single, take a risk! The weekend demands some conciliation from everyone, so expect to meet halfway.

Career & Finance

Your usual practicality and dependable decision-making skills are missing in action as the week gets under way — but maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Leave signing on any dotted lines for later, and take advantage of your revved-up creativity and perception. After midweek, you’re extra personable and communicating with flair. Schedule working dinners and job-related socializing for Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. This weekend, you have an opportunity to build an important alliance — or you may be drawn into a power struggle. Choose carefully.

Love & Relationships
Monday and Tuesday may not seem like the sexiest days of the week, but with you around it’s absolutely the case. You’re feeling happy and affectionate, and the world’s reciprocating. From Wednesday through sometime Friday, your words flow like quicksilver, and they’re just as shiny and pretty — watch out, though, for getting ahead of yourself. You’re liable to say more than you really want to, or more than you mean. By the weekend, you’re more grounded, your instincts are telling you all you need to know, and you’ve still got that silver tongue, so why not take a romantic risk?

Weekly Predictions... Aries (Jan 21 - Jan 27,'13)

You’re dwelling in the past just a bit on Monday, but it’s not so bad that you need to do anything hasty. Keep your phone handy at all times midweek, as you should get at least one important call at that time that rings your bell in a new way. Thursday and Friday are emotionally challenging, but as long as you have an outlet to talk, cry, scream or cackle maniacally, you should feel pretty great by the time it’s all over. This weekend fills you with great energy, and it may be a good time to dazzle your family or date with a home-cooked meal.

Career & Finance

As the week begins, you’re brimming with innovative ideas and firing off emails detailing them. Just be sure to reread each one to make sure your fresh brilliance is crystal clear. You may also be ready to move on purchasing some new business equipment — and the stars say go for it. Sometime Wednesday, your productivity may suffer because your mind is elsewhere. If your thoughts are occupied with family matters or you’re feeling unusually emotional, own up to it and take a break. Then return to work at full power. This weekend, expect some creative inspiration to come from an unusual source.

Love & Relationships

Something or someone is blocking your romantic progress on Monday or Tuesday, and your natural instinct is to barrel right on through. Tact, subtlety and (yes, breathe deeply) patience make better strategies now, though. You’ll find that everything’s freer and easier through the latter part of the week — you may even feel more like just flirting and enjoying yourself rather than pressing forward with any particular love agenda. If you’re extra emotional this weekend, you’re also extra intuitive — let that little voice clue you in.

Monday 14 January 2013

Weekly Predictions... Pisces (Jan 14 - Jan 20,'13)

So many worthwhile volunteer projects out there, so many hours in the day! Finding focus isn’t easy on Monday, and neither is being open to change. Both are necessary. Tuesday and Wednesday, you warm up to the idea of new factors, new variables, new faces — change doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. It’s an opportunity to rediscover yourself! On Thursday and Friday it dawns on you that the space between people, even people who think they know each other, is bewildering. This weekend you’re happy to cancel social plans and make dinner out of what you have in the fridge.

Career & Finance
You want to do more things than you’re able to accomplish on Monday, which is a good thing. It sets up a driving force for the week — a desire for progress, an urgency. Tuesday and Wednesday you have enough energy to power a car, which is why you’re doing so much more than your regular office tasks. You’re dreaming big, and you’re sharing your ideas with other people. Thursday and Friday, all of your ideas are suddenly compromised by a cloud of uncertainty. But if you’re wise, you’ll stick to your guns and see what happens. A little uncertainty never hurt anyone.

Love & Relationships
Romantic dreams are lovely, and at the beginning of the week, go ahead and indulge in them. Envisioning your future the way you’d like it is a powerful thing — and around Wednesday and Thursday, you’ve got the powerful ability to transform your present reality. Take the initiative and move things in the direction you want them to go. The results may not be immediate — in fact, matters of the heart may be hard to interpret through much of the weekend. By Sunday, though, communication comes through to clear things up, and romance is favored. (So get those errands out of the way on Saturday!)